Food Oddities is a website created in 2008 by an eight year old boy named Remy. Realizing in preschool that he liked nearly every food he tried, and realizing a few years later that he would probably never have the chance to travel the world and try all of the food he wanted to, he decided to sample as many odd foods as he could from home. At first Remy's crude videos were aimed at his grandparents, but they caught on with viewers who were intrigued that a little boy could so frequently show no fear as he swallowed foods that were disturbing to many, but were indeed dishes eaten in countries around the world.

Remy was born in 2000 in the midwest United States. After he began documenting his food adventures, strange things started happening. Wendy Williams called him up in 2010 to appear on her talk show in New York City. A year later, the Nate Berkus Show had Remy on to help the notoriously picky Nate expand his culinary horizons. Remy was praised by Andrew Zimmern, interviewed by Esquire magazine, went on to appear on the Nickelodeon game show Figure it Out (where he won the grand prize and got slimed), and in 2014 the producers of America's Got Talent flew him to NYC to appear on the stage in front of the judges, despite his protestations that eating pig brains and tarantulas wasn't really a stage act.